

What Is Schizophrenia?

It feels like a demon residing within your mind.

Schizophrenia is a severe, long-term, and debilitating brain problem that affects people.

The majority of mad persons you see have chronic schizophrenia. However, in their early phases, they make up less than 1% of all schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia patients appear perfectly normal except for minor behavioral abnormalities. Family members only begin to notice symptoms of the illness after a few months.

Schizophrenia symptoms are linked to brain chemicals called serotonin and dopamine. The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia are caused by structural and functional alterations in these substances.

A brain condition called schizophrenia alters a person’s behavior, thinking skills, and worldview. Schizophrenia patients are unable to discriminate between reality and illusion. Because of this, the majority of patients have become detached from reality and have begun to live in their imaginations. According to psychiatrist research there are almost 24 million individuals worldwide who suffer from schizophrenia, with 3 million of them sufferers being in India.

Who Can Get Schizophrenia?

Although anyone can develop schizophrenia at any age, most cases occur in people between the ages of 18 and 40.
People who are shy and introverted have a higher chance of developing this illness and making it worse.
An individual is more vulnerable if there is a family history of schizophrenia and other mental diseases.
Men are more likely than women to have schizophrenia, both in terms of frequency and severity.

People who have experienced psychological trauma such as stress, divorce, job loss, financial loss, etc. are also more likely to develop schizophrenia.
Teenagers who use psychoactive substances like Ganja, Hashish, Opioids, etc. run a higher chance of contracting this illness.

Symptoms To Look For

Delusions (false suspicions): A patient suffering from schizophrenia has numerous ingrained notions in his head that are unbreakable. They occasionally provide ludicrous and nonsensical justifications for their opinions.
For example, the patient feels that people are talking negatively about him or are plotting against them, that people are staring at them, laughing at them, and talking about them.

False suspicions are entertained by such a patient, such as the idea that someone is going to poison or mix other substances in your meal, or that you will be trapped, killed, or that the police will come and catch you.

Additionally, some patients have doubts about the morality of their spouse. that they are being cheated on by their partner through an affair. They are trying to catch their partner all the time.

Hallucinations: Patients with schizophrenia may perceive, hear, or feel things that are not truly there.
Patients report hearing voices—voices of people, spirits, God, ghosts, animals, etc.—sometimes giving them orders to kill someone or end their own life.

Sometimes they talk back to those voices. This causes families to become alarmed and begin spiritual healing.
Some patients begin to see faces, ghosts, and other things that other people are unable to see.

Negative symptoms: Individual acts coldly toward a loved one. doesn’t seem to be very interested in life.
Most of the time, the patient is aloof, sitting by themselves, not talking to anyone, and difficult to catch their attention.
The patient would quit attending to school or job.
doesn’t interact with others and keeps a social distance.

Disorganized behavior: Schizophrenia patients behave abnormally and strangely.
These individuals may occasionally become overly enraged, agitated, vandalize, or even strike out.
The patient declines therapy because he thinks he is in great health.
Sometimes fall asleep completely, spend hours in one posture, neglect their personal hygiene, and start crying or laughing by themselves.

Treatment of Schizophrenia

Early diagnosis and intervention are the key.

 Most people with schizophrenia are not conscious that they need to be in therapy.
Because of this, it is usually left to friends or family to get help and take the sufferer to a mental health facility.
Positive outcomes for patients with schizophrenia depend heavily on identification and treatment.
Complete recovery from schizophrenia is more difficult if treatment is not received for several years.

The most common medications used in the treatment of schizophrenia are antipsychotics. By altering the brain’s dopaminergic neurotransmitter, they reduce symptoms.

Medication is usually enough to keep schizophrenia under control. Nonetheless, in certain circumstances, hospitalization and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are necessary to treat medical symptoms.

How to Manage Schizophrenia ?

Regular follow-up and following doctor’s advice

Stopping medication after a few weeks and assuming the patient has improved is one of the most common mistakes made by family members and patients with schizophrenia.

But it increases the risk of recurrence, which is common in people with schizophrenia. Thus, it is imperative to follow up with your doctor on a frequent basis and to take medicine for the whole recommended duration when treating schizophrenia.

The involvement of family members

In the NURON clinic the therapist helps family members understand how to care for the person with schizophrenia. This implies that the family can make sure that their members adhere to the prescribed course of action and take their medications on schedule. When the patient’s symptoms recur, the family should know when to take them back to the hospital.​

What you should not do?

Don’t waste time on spiritual healing or spirit exorcism.
avoiding directives or commands such as “You’ll follow my instructions” or “You’re acting like a child.”
Over emotion toward the patient or succumbing to their requests could make their symptoms worse.
If you think the patient is not listening, don’t strike them or yell at them. Indirect measures like confining or restraining violent patients can be an ingenious way to handle them.

How We Can Help!

Numerous patients with schizophrenia have previously benefited from the skilled doctors at NEURON, a neuro and mental health care facility.

For patients who are violent and aggressive and are not yet ready to take medicine, we provide indoor facilities. Additionally, our hospital’s patients are watched over by nurses around-the-clock.

Additionally, we offer ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) facilities so that patients can recover more quickly and safely.

Our skilled staff can provide all forms of psychotherapy, emotional support, and counselling.

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